

ERGO attempts to provide each viewpoint, each opinion a chance to shine. In Opposites Attract we give two magnanimous minds to express their views regarding the monthly topic. You decide who makes a better case. This month...


Federico García Lorca
I don't want to hear again
that the dead do not lose their blood,
that the putrid mouth goes on asking for water.
I don't want to learn of the tortures of the grass,
nor of the moon with a serpent's mouth
that labors before dawn.

Pablo Neruda
Let what I am, then, be, in some place
and in every time, an established and assured
and ardent witness, carefully destroying himself
and preserving himself incessantly
clearly insistent upon his original duty.

Federico García Lorca was a Spanish poet, dramatist and political activist.
Pablo Neruda was a Nobel Prize-winning Chilean writer, poet and politician.
Both are dead.

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