


by Gerard Manley Hopkins

Thou art the lion of God with bristled burnt bear hide:

Thy furrowed brow, the headdress of thee boary stallion,

Mouth girdled with frothy soap which bubbles as the sea,

Thou shape curved as hills caped in autumn.

Night made thee, yet thou have made this night

For me, thou art a fearsome presence, bound to this

Empty alley of silver lined bin and muddied earth

Grim home of forgotten things, which hands have dropped.

Did God make thee monster to arise the fear forsaken

Long ago forbeared to day and sunlight, to clarity

And have I turned from thee O dark? Shall I be

Wound by wet teeth and maddened by bedeviled syrup?

Thou art the bear of God! the night of mine soul!

But thou art more than my soul, for thou bite

Is more feared then all demons, for Thou art the world's

wrath unhinged; night! But this stick in hand - O bear! - is God's wrath

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