

The Importance of Being Caller Number Nine

According to Friedrich Nietzsche

It is often that the concept of caller number nine will gain disparagement from philosophers as a fruitless quest for a prize of questionable worth. Many Christian philosophers may also add that the idea of caller number nine is a selfish act reeking of ego and materialism.

It is in this case that I must praise caller number nine.

I find contradiction and often annoyance with those who speak against caller number nine as a pointless act of materialistic gain or an act which wastes time better spent performing some type of altruistic act. Against these people I argue on several points.

For those philosophers living as if God is dead, are not all things pointless? Is not the very act of breathing pointless according to this philosophy? Is not a particular distaste for the "worthlessness" of caller number nine the arrogant reflection of a personal morality rather than the objectivity seemingly advocated by this thought?

For those Christian philosophers living the "noble lie" of the masses, is not this simply disparaging their own thought dressed in different clothing? Does not Christian philosophy speak of a God who consistently commands praise (subsequently, requesting one to live in his image) and promises reward after death for remaining loyal to him while living? How is either method distinguished and why is one trivialized because it operates through a device of somewhat spiritual symbolism in itself (the radio, a box of "ghost voices")?

Negativity toward being caller number nine is negativity toward being human.

Should one sacrifice oneself for those with slower dialing fingers or reception of lesser clarity? Is not one being ruled by the weak in this case? And if this can be agreed upon, what is the purpose of allowing humanity to devolve by bowing to the weak? Would this not eventually return humans to our simian beginnings? And for what reason? Sympathy, empathy? And sacrifice the progress of the human race for those nature wishes to abort? Foolishness.

This thought falls short even among Christian philosophers.

Being caller number nine is a declaration of the continuing development of the human race. The caller of nine status or "Neunmensch" is man's natural progression to the state of "Superman". Prizes can never be considered trivial if they increase a man's collection greater than it was before. Whether they be concert tickets or a DVD of "Twilight", it is man improving man. This leads to what many thinkers call "selfishness", but in reality means a greater, better human society.

To be in opposition to the Neunmensch is to be in opposition to man, pure and simple.

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