

Tonight we debut "Why You Should," our monthly advice article.



We live in an era of inter-connectivity. People that were once long-lost until the mandatory 10-year reunion are now just a click away, either through MySpace or Facebook. Where you used to not see someone for years, wondering how they were doing, what they were up to, etc., now you can just log on, click their name, and see for yourself. Gone are the days of "Wow, you gained weight," or, "Wow, you look great!," because there is no surprise; you've watched it happen, through pictures and status posts. If someone ran off and got married, you didn't have to wait to find out. They told you the day after, in their status message. You can actually find out even more about people that you probably never knew before, such as religious beliefs, political leanings, and which Twilight character they're most like. You get to see sides to people you never thought existed, but because the internet provides a false sense of anonymity, people are more honest and personal than in person. So a High School Reunion in today's world is a moot point, because the point of reunions is to catch up. Social networks took care of that. So write on the walls of your senior class officers and let them know they're off the hook. And remind them to un-reserve the gymnasium.

1 comment:

Libby11 said...

Wrong! I just enjoyed my first class reunion, the first one the Jess Lanier High School(Bessemer, Ala.) class of 1977 has ever had. Why did we have it? Because some of us reconnected on Facebook and thought it would be a great idea to have a get-together. People came from seven states to attend what was a casual event in someone's backyard. Keeping up via one-liners and e-mails is an anemic substitute for being face-to-face with your dear old friends and being able to share a hug -- and a few tears -- together. Amazing and priceless! (Especially when the class beauty queen got shoved into the swimming pool in her stilettos!)