

A culture that has become increasingly interconnected has revealed itself as helplessly repetitive. This is much to the chagrin of a society wherein each member is thoroughly convinced of their uniqueness. There has to be a way to regain a tidbit of individuality, and there is! Just remember...

The Top 5 Things Nobody Should Say Ever Again

1. "I listen to everything."

The most common response to the question, "What kind of music do you listen to?" It is often motivated by a desire to appear incredibly eclectic. However, depending upon the person, "everything" could mean all music except "country" or "classical" or "Enya" or "80s Techno" (among others). It's indicative of an online community which becomes a mirror image of everyone in order to appeal to every possible taste, while simultaneously attempting to appear unique and diverse. The truth is nobody listens to everything. Everyone has a particular taste and particular standards in music which they will not compromise.

2. "That's sick."

Born out of the X-Games culture of the late '90s to early '00s, it was used to indicate a particularly nasty fall. Yet, like clothing fashions such as Billabong and Rusty, it transcended its context to become ubiquitous. Popular among the tweenies and the teens, it has remained one device of those aiming for extended youth appeal. Yet, it reached the maximum density once belonging to "bling-bling" as it crept into those above 35. It's no longer spicy or shocking. "Sick" is no longer sick and should be allowed a peaceful death.

3. "LOL"

This was perfectly fine as chat argot, but the internet just couldn't stay put. The phrase became part of the lexicon a few years ago. Spoken, the word is no where near as effective as it once was on the internet. As a result the word has lost net cred and is being replaced with the incredibly adorable ^^ and :D

4. "Where's the love?"

Long before the Black Eyed Peas song of similar nominal quality, this was an appeal by people (usually assholes) to be given a break. Therefore, it (like "sick") was only used by a certain segment of the population. Black Eyed Peas attempted to subvert this with a vague pop ballad asking for change somewhere in someplace. It didn't last long and "Where's the love?" is once again one of the top phrases used by assholes.

5. "Shizznit."

The West Coast cousin to "Bling, Bling", this was searching for a gravestone when it received common usage in office e-mails. (e.g. "That office Christmas party was the shizznit!") Popularized by Snoop Doggy Dogg and once a vivacious slang, its mere usage now causes surrounding parties to roll the eyes and emit tiresome sighs. Its usage is also almost entirely consigned to, of course, assholes, in order to appear less assholish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

add "like" to that list